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Red Apples

Course 2 
Topic 8 - The Root of Sin



"The crashing waves—
  The refreshing breeze—

I walked along the shore of an emerald green sea whose dancing waves smiled and greeted me. The white sand between my toes was soft and warm. I felt truly at peace, enveloped in a cloudless sky, touched by cool rhythmic breezes and warm sunshine. I saw the beauty God created for us in the beginning, intact and untouched. I communed with God, the One who gives this blessing.


You freely gave the creation to us, Your children, and You hoped to dwell with us in joy and peace. You wished for nothing more than to be the Heavenly Parent sharing the beauty of creation with Your son and daughter. You created them to grow to maturity, marry with Your Blessing, and become True Parents of their own children. When they fell away, You, and we, lost everything."

Hak Ja Han Moon, Mother of Peace


Divine Principle video
The Root of Sin

For a deeper understanding of the The Root of Sin, check the Exposition of the Divine Principle (page 53 to 62) in our web's library.

Don't hesitate to share your comments, reflections and questions bellow!

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